Cal State San Marcos

  • one of the few CSUs with physics
  • she failed a few calc classes, but she kept persevering
    • "failures don't define you"
  • good support system at CSUSM
  • John started at palomar, physics, and computer science
  • took six years to get his bachelors degree
  • computer science is a very versatile degree
  • can't run away from computer science
  • CSUSM has a lot of new science/stem buildings
  • easy to get internships from local companies
  • many stem pathways
    • chem
    • physics
    • computer engineering
    • mathematics
    • electrical engineering
    • biochemistry
    • software engineering
  • a lot of STEM based clubs
    • a lot of these clubs give students a lot of opportunities
  • how to get internships
    • network with people
    • check e-mails
    • join clubs
    • go to campus events
    • avoid unpaid internships
    • ask faculty members for help on applications or essays
  • programs
    • summer scholars program
      • paid
      • provides students with research experience
  • cs can collaborate with chem
    • make virtual reality labs
  • grant: gov funded money
  • scholarship: privately funded(you have to find them yourself)
  • a semester is $3,000 at CSUSM
  • apply for FASA ASAP
  • masters degree is usually 2 years

I find this panel to be very inspiring because the stress of college applications and decisions has been getting to me recently. I have also been feeling pressured to get into prestigious colleges like UCs because I feel like that is the only way I will get good opportunities and a good job in the future. However, this panel proved me wrong. They offers so many courses and programs, as well as clubs and other resources that I feel like could really help me have a good college experience and get me a job I enjoy. Ashley, one of the speakers, also said some inspiring things, like how failure is normal and doesn't define you. Lastly, the activity at the end was very fun.