These imports define the key objects

from flask import Flask
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy

These object and definitions are used throughout the Jupyter Notebook.

# Setup of key Flask object (app)
app = Flask(__name__) 
# Setup SQLAlchemy object and properties for the database (db)
data = 'sqlite:///sqlite.db'  # path and filename of database
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = data
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'SECRET_KEY'
db = SQLAlchemy() #SQLAlchemy object called here

# This belongs in place where it runs once per project
db.init_app(app) # app object called here
""" database dependencies to support sqlite examples """
import datetime
from datetime import datetime
import json

from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError
from werkzeug.security import generate_password_hash, check_password_hash

''' Tutorial: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/library.html#tutorials, try to get into a Python shell and follow along '''

# Define the User class to manage actions in the 'users' table
# -- Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is the key concept of SQLAlchemy
# -- a.) db.Model is like an inner layer of the onion in ORM
# -- b.) User represents data we want to store, something that is built on db.Model
# -- c.) SQLAlchemy ORM is layer on top of SQLAlchemy Core, then SQLAlchemy engine, SQL
class Symptom(db.Model): 
# -- class User defining the template for users, used to create Objects
# -- db.Model is inheritance. Allows class Uers to use database attributes and methods.
    __tablename__ = 'symptoms'  # table name is plural, class name is singular
    __table_args__ = {'extend_existing': True}
    # Define the User schema with "vars" from object
    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    _name = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)
    _ucomment = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)
    _usymptom = db.Column(db.String(255), unique=True, nullable=False)

    # constructor of a User object, initializes the instance variables within object (self)
    def __init__(self, name, ucomment, usymptom): # -- "constructor". init method allows us to initialize an object from our User class
        self._name = name    # variables with self prefix become part of the object, 
        self._ucomment = ucomment
        self._usymptom = usymptom

    # a name getter method, extracts name from object, allows properties to be accessed like attributes of the object
    def name(self):
        return self._name
    # a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
    def name(self, name):
        self._name = name
    # a getter method, extracts email from object
    def ucomment(self):
        return self._ucomment
    # a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
    def ucomment(self, ucomment):
        self._ucomment = ucomment
    # check if uid parameter matches user id in object, return boolean
    def is_name(self, name):
        return self._name == name
    def usymptom(self):
        return self._usymptom
    # a setter function, allows name to be updated after initial object creation
    def usymptom(self, usymptom):
        self._usymptom = usymptom
    def __str__(self):
        return json.dumps(self.read())
    def create(self):
            # creates a person object from User(db.Model) class, passes initializers
            db.session.add(self)  # add prepares to persist person object to Users table
            db.session.commit()  # SqlAlchemy "unit of work pattern" requires a manual commit
            return self
        except IntegrityError:
            return None

    # CRUD read converts self to dictionary
    # returns dictionary
    def read(self):
        return {
            "id": self.id,
            "name": self.name,
            "comment": self.ucomment,
            "symptom": self.usymptom,

    # CRUD update: updates user name, password, phone
    # returns self
    def update(self, name="", ucomment="", usymptom=""):
        """only updates values with length"""
        if len(name) > 0:
            self.name = name
        if len(ucomment) > 0:
            self.ucomment = ucomment
        if len(usymptom) > 0:
            self.usymptom = usymptom
        return self

    # CRUD delete: remove self
    # None
    def delete(self):
        return None
"""Database Creation and Testing """

# Builds working data for testing
def initSymptoms():
    with app.app_context():
        """Create database and tables"""
        db.create_all() # this line creates the tables in the database, to allow data to be added
        """Tester data for table"""
        u1 = Symptom(name='Annika Liao', ucomment='tylenol', usymptom='cramps') 
        u2 = Symptom(name='Claire Chen', ucomment='tea', usymptom='headaches') 
        u3 = Symptom(name='Claire Zhao', ucomment='heating pad', usymptom='cramps') 
        u4 = Symptom(name='Grace Wang', ucomment='magnesium', usymptom='muscle aches') 
        u5 = Symptom(name='Emma Shen', ucomment='vitamin d', usymptom='acne') 
        # user object is user in database. It takes the 4 arguments of name, uid, password, and dob.
        symptoms = [u1, u2, u3, u4, u5]

        """Builds sample user/note(s) data"""
        for symptom in symptoms:
                '''add comment to table'''
                object = symptom.create()
                print(f"Created new uid {object.name}") # try block is creation of user in database. If successful,this message will print.
            except:  # error raised if object nit created
                '''fails with bad or duplicate data'''
                print(f"Records exist uid {symptom.name}, or error.") #if try block fails, except block is executed, and this message will print.

Records exist uid Annika Liao, or error.
Records exist uid Claire Chen, or error.
Records exist uid Claire Zhao, or error.
Records exist uid Grace Wang, or error.
Records exist uid Emma Shen, or error.
import sqlite3

database = 'instance/sqlite.db' # this is location of database

def schema():
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    # Fetch results of Schema
    results = cursor.execute("PRAGMA table_info('periods')").fetchall()

    # Print the results
    for row in results:

    # Close the database connection
# metadata for database
def find_by_name(name):
    with app.app_context():
        user = Symptom.query.filter_by(_name=name).first() # this method constructs a query that retrieves all users in the database where _uid matches their uid
    return user # returns user object
import sqlite3

def read():
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL queries
    cursor = conn.cursor()
    # Execute a SELECT statement to retrieve data from a table
    results = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM symptoms').fetchall()

    # Print the results
    if len(results) == 0:
        print("Table is empty")
        for row in results:

    # Close the cursor and connection objects
(1, 'Annika Liao', 'tylenol', 'cramps')
(2, 'Claire Chen', 'tea', 'headaches')
(3, 'Grace Wang', 'magnesium', 'muscle aches')
(4, 'Emma Shen', 'vitamin d', 'acne')
(5, '', '', '')
(6, 'lora', 'aspirin', 'ifhewowh')
import sqlite3

def create():
    name = input("Enter your name:")
    ucomment = input("Enter your comment:")
    usymptom = input("Enter the symptom you're addressing")
    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands
    cursor = conn.cursor()

        # Execute an SQL command to insert data into a table
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO symptoms (_name, _ucomment, _usymptom) VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (name, ucomment, usymptom))
        # Commit the changes to the database
        print(f"A new record {name} has been created")
    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Error while the INSERT:", error)

    # Close the cursor and connection objects
import sqlite3

def update():
    name = input("Enter your name to update records")
    user = find_by_name(name)

    if user is None:
        print(f"No user found with name {name}")
    print("Current user information:")

    ucomment = input("Enter comment")
    if ucomment:
        user.ucomment = ucomment

    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands
    cursor = conn.cursor()

        # Execute an SQL command to update data in a table
        cursor.execute("UPDATE symptoms SET _ucomment = ? WHERE _name = ?", (ucomment, name))
        if cursor.rowcount == 0:
            # The uid was not found in the table
            print(f"No name {name} was found in the table")
            print(f"The row with name {name} has been updated, comment changed to {ucomment}")
    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Error while executing the UPDATE:", error)
    # Close the cursor and connection objects

import sqlite3

def delete():
    name = input("Enter name to delete")

    # Connect to the database file
    conn = sqlite3.connect(database)

    # Create a cursor object to execute SQL commands
    cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute("DELETE FROM symptoms WHERE _name = ?", (name,))
        if cursor.rowcount == 0:
            # The uid was not found in the table
            print(f"Name {name} was not found in the table")
            # The uid was found in the ta'ble and the row was deleted
            print(f"The record of name {name} was successfully deleted")
    except sqlite3.Error as error:
        print("Error while executing the DELETE:", error)
    # Close the cursor and connection objects
def menu():
    operation = input("Enter: (C)reate (R)ead (U)pdate or (D)elete or (S)chema")
    if operation.lower() == 'c':
    elif operation.lower() == 'r':
    elif operation.lower() == 'u':
    elif operation.lower() == 'd':
    elif operation.lower() == 's':
    elif len(operation)==0: # Escape Key
        print("Please enter c, r, u, or d") 
    menu() # recursion, repeat menu
    menu() # start menu
    print("Perform Jupyter 'Run All' prior to starting menu")
(1, 'Annika Liao', 'tylenol', 'cramps')
(2, 'Claire Chen', 'tea', 'headaches')
(3, 'Grace Wang', 'magnesium', 'muscle aches')
(4, 'Emma Shen', 'vitamin d', 'acne')
(5, '', '', '')
(6, 'lora', 'aspirin', 'ifhewowh')
Current user information:
{'id': 6, 'name': 'lora', 'comment': 'aspirin', 'symptom': 'ifhewowh'}
The row with name lora has been updated, comment changed to sudafed
(1, 'Annika Liao', 'tylenol', 'cramps')
(2, 'Claire Chen', 'tea', 'headaches')
(3, 'Grace Wang', 'magnesium', 'muscle aches')
(4, 'Emma Shen', 'vitamin d', 'acne')
(5, '', '', '')
(6, 'lora', 'sudafed', 'ifhewowh')
The record of name lora was successfully deleted
(1, 'Annika Liao', 'tylenol', 'cramps')
(2, 'Claire Chen', 'tea', 'headaches')
(3, 'Grace Wang', 'magnesium', 'muscle aches')
(4, 'Emma Shen', 'vitamin d', 'acne')
(5, '', '', '')
The record of name  was successfully deleted