Review the score given by the AP scorers and reflect:

  • on any discrepancies in your scoring versus the ap scoring
    For the fist row of the first submission, I got confused with the purpose and function so I checked it off on the checklist, but then I realized what the difference between purpose and function and noticed that the student did not have the purpose and probably got confused like I did. Other than that, my grading was pretty much the same as the college board ones.
  • on what your program will need to fulfill all requirements

    • have a user input
    • have an out put
    • preferably have something that shows the process of how the input resulted in the output
    • have a clear and detailed description of the function (what the program is doing)
    • have a clear and detailed description of the purpose (the general goal/ why you made the program)
    • describe the input that was inputed in the demonstration video and what happens to it in order to get the output
    • use lists that help manage complexity
    • have a function that can be called multiple times.
    • the function should include all the components of an algorithm
  • on the criteria and why a submission may have failed to meet the standard
    The first submission didn't meet the standard because their descriptions for everything could've been a lot more detailed and they were missing purpose of their project. Also, their list didn't help to manage the complexity of the program