Hack 1


  1. set item to number to search for
  2. get next number in the list
  3. if number = item, display "item found"
  4. if there are more numbers in the list, go back to step 2
  5. display "item not found" Selection:
  6. if number = item, display "item found" Iteration:
  7. if there are more numbers in the list, go back to step 2

Hack 2

num1 = 5 num2 = num1 3 num3 = num2 / num1 (9 % 2) 4 result = (num3 % num1 + num2) % num3 3 / 5

  1. 5
  2. 5*3= 15
  3. 15/5=3 1=34=12
  4. 12/5 +15=17 % 12 = 5*3 = 15/5 = 3


1 down - iteration 2 down - selection 3 across - sequence