Video 1

  • computers used to be really big but got progressively smarter
  • computers send and receive data
  • computers understand electrons represented by numbers "talk number"
  • we have to translate our information into numbers and packets
  • packets: small amount of data sent over a network
    • packet includes source and destination
  • creation of computer systems
    • computer systems are groups of computing devices and programs working together for a joint purpose
  • computer network is a group of computing devices that send and receive data
  • router helps with packet switching (guides message from sender to receiver)
    • Packet: message that is broken up into packets and sent in any order
  • bandwidth: maximum amount of data that can be sent in an amount of time(bits per second)
    • the more data the slower it might take to get from sender to receiver (like traffic)

Video 2

  • computer protocol (rules of the road)
  • computer protocol models
    • OSI
    • TCP
      • layers you have to go through to communicate (7 layers of protocol)
  • layer 1: Network Acess layer
    • ex. wifi card
    • deliver packets from one network interface card (NIC) to another aka "hop"
  • layer 2: Internet Layer Data Transmission
    • a packet contains data that is being transimitted and metadata(information for routing messages)
    • one device with a certain IP address is sending a message on on that path, they run into routers that help guide them to the IP address of the other device the message is trying to reach
  • layer 3: Transport Layer
    • TCP slower but reliable
    • UDP faster but does not guarantee transfers
    • computer is sending IP addresses through bits
  • layer 4: Application Layer
    • DNS (domain name service), human language to IP address
    • web servers are programs running on machines connected to internet
    • www (world wide web) is a network of linked programs and data running over the internet
  • http is a protocol used by world wide web
  • routes are flexible
  • world wide web is not the internet