3.9 Video 1

What I need to cover in this lesson:

  • Algorithms can be written in different ways and still do the same thing
  • However, Algorithms that look similar might not always have the same result
  • Different algorithms can be used to solve the same problem
  • Some conditional statements can be written as equivalent boolean expressions
  • something as minor as writing a > instead of a >= can change the result of an entire algorithm (differentiate 2 algorithms)
    • create two algorithms that look similar but display different results for example
    • assign fixing one of the algorithms to have both results be the same for homework
  • if else conditionals can be replaced by boolean expression
    • create an if else statement and two boolean expressions to go with it (one that has the same result as the if else statement and one that doesn't)
    • assigning blogging about which boolean expression can replace the if then statement and why
  • explain how being able to spot these differences in algorithms will be important to us
    • assign blogging about how they will use knowledge about algorithms to work on team projects in the future