• my group and I working on finishing touches, organizing who is going to present what, and practicing presenting
  • looking at other group’s csp project, seeing what they did that we can implement in our own project. However, some groups including ours were having trouble with some parts of the project whether it be the API, connecting frontend and backend, etc, so it was good to know that other people are having trouble with the same things and that we have a lot of people to ask and help out when problem occur. I really liked this groups use of an API to potentially tell you what illness you have based on your symptoms. I could see this being really helpful especially after a worldwide pandemic
  • Lastly, we looked around the art department and visited ceramics and AP studio art. I loved seeing all the amazing creations that fellow Del Norte students have made and I was able to find some pieces that my friends in those classes made which was cool. I don’t have any pictures of ceramics, but there was a turtle pot that was really cool and detailed which I really liked. In AP studio art I also so a bunch of really amazing pieces using all types of mediums. But seeing the skill the AP studio art students have kind of discourages me from taking AP studio art, because I wanted to take it in my senior year, but I haven’t been practicing my art, and my skills are nowhere near as good as theirs. Overall, night at the museum was pretty fun, but kind of stressful.
  • Ideas for next time: Although games are really fun and can halp you destress, I think maybe next time I want to try something that can be used on the day-to-day and make life a little easier. An example would be the illness identifier that I mentioned above, an online journal entry, or a grade calculator.