Hack 1

Logical Operators

  • not
    • Shows/does the opposite of the data
    • mostly used for true false
    • ex. if you assign red to false, and then you have a variablle called result that you assign the value not(red) to, then it will output true
    • code example:
isRed = False
green = not(isRed)
  • and
    • evaluates two conditions together and if both conditions are met and only if both conditions are met, will the final result be shown
    • ex. if flower = red and flower = green
      print("christmas flower")
      the flower has to be both red and green for the algorithm to print chirstmas flower, if only red, christmas flower will not be printed
    • code example:
flower = 50
if flower >= 1 and flower <= 100:
if flower >= 100:
  • or
    • only one of the two conditons has to be met
    • ex. if temp >=100 or temp <= 20
      print ("stay home")
    • code example:
temp = 101
if temp >= 100 or temp <= 20:
    print("stay home")

Hack 2


evaluates actions in the program (true or false)

Selection: the result of this block of a selection depends on if a condition is true or false

Algorithm: instructions/steps to accomplish a certain task, or solve a different problem

Conditional Statement: executes certain statements depending on if it is true or false

Binary Conditional Logic

print("please enter a number")
x = int(input())

if x % 2 == 0:
    # if x is divisible by 2 with no remainder
    print(x, "is even")
    # if x is not divisible by 2 with no remainder
    print(x, "is odd")

Nested statement 1

print("are you happy?")
reply = input("yes or no")
if reply == "no":
    print("why be sad when you can be glad")
if reply == "yes":
    print("good for you")

Nested Statement 2

print("what holiday do you celebrate?")
reply = input("Christmas or Hanukkah")
if reply == "Hanukkah":
    print("Happy hanukkah!")
elif reply == "Christmas":
    print("Merry Chirstmas!")
    print("Happy Holidays!")

Nested Statement 3

print("are you a swiftie?")
reply = input("yes or no")
if reply == "yes":

display 4 statements

print("Have you watched criminal minds?")
reply1 = input("yes or no?")
if reply1 == "yes":
    print("Who's your favorite character")
    reply2 = input("favorite character")
    if reply2 == "Emily":
    print("you should")

Stem or no stem?

print("are you interested in stem?")

reply1 = input("yes or no")
if reply1 == "yes":
    list1 = ["APCSP", "AP Biology", "AP Statistics"]
    print("you should take", list1)
    list2 = ["AP Human Geography", "AP World", "AP English Language"]
    print("you should take", list2)